Thursday, 10 March 2016

Volcanoes of the world.

{} Walt {} What Did I Create {} I created my own Google map and named it volcanoes of the world. I created something that has to do with volcanoes, and I created something that, includes facts about Volcanoes. So the simple thing is just, Find volcanoes on google maps, pin them where they are, and then write a fact about it in our own words.

What Did I Create : We have been learning to create our own map and find as much volcanoes as we can. It can be in Auckland, Australia, India well around the whole wide world, even under water. This was an easy task to do, we had to give 1 or 2 facts about that volcano, and we had to put a link in to see where we had got that fact from.

How Did I Create It: I created it by searching up volcanoes and searching up facts about it. Then on the Google map their is a search button up top so I push it and type, in the volcano that i have found. When I find it I put in a facts about that volcano and then I put it into my own words. Then I am done and then I do it over again until I get 15 volcanoes or more. 

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